We believe we need to respect and reward our pet’s unwavering loyalty and companionship with a far-reaching range of meticulously made, nutritionally-savvy treats that best reflect the implicit ties and deep-rooted trust that exists between pet & pet owner.


We feel passionately as ‘pet parents’ that more has to be done to ensure the ongoing happiness and daily well-being of our dogs.

Himalayan Cheese Treats

Nature's Munch

Simplicity and transparency sit at the  heart of our brand, which is why we keep  our recipes simple and uncomplicated, only adding an ingredient if it brings something truly substantial (taste, nutrients…) to the party.

We scour the planet for best-in-class, human-grade ingredients:
milk, fruits, vegetables and herbs, which leads us to some of the most unspoiled, pristine regions in the world, from the snow- capped Himalayas and faraway deserts, to tropical orchards and idyllic shoreline.


Natural Dog & Cat Food b.v.

p/a Hongkongstraat 25
3047 BR Rotterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0) 85 484 47 61

Do you any questions? Please ask us!

11 + 9 =

Don’t be a stranger!

We’re an eclectic huddle of dog lovers who love nothing morethan shooting the breeze; talking about anything from your dog’s well-being to our all-natural dog treats range.